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When to plant Bermuda grass seed in Catheys Valley, CA

Seeding Schedule

The ideal days for establishment have nighttime temperatures above 65°F, and daytime temperatures below 95°F for the entirety of the growth period. The dates listed below are days with average historic temperatures in your area within this range. These should only be used as a guideline, and actual weather conditions should be used to determine actual dates.

Seeding Schedule

Amount of Seed:

  • Establishing a new lawn: 2.0 to 3.0 lbs per 1000 square feet.
  • Overseed your lawn: 0.75 to 1.25 lbs per 1000 square feet

Germination Period: 21 days

Best Dates for Seeding: April 14 to October 30

Plug Schedule

Number of Plugs: Roughly 560 grass plugs per 1000 square feet

Establishment Period: 60 days

Best dates for planting plugs: May 5 to October 15

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