New Hampshire Lawn Care Plans

Caring for your lawn in New Hampshire presents a unique set of challenges and rewards, influenced by the state's distinct climate and growing conditions. The Granite State sees a broad range of temperatures throughout the year—from hot, humid summers to frigid, snowy winters—which makes a well-thought-out lawn care plan essential. Unlike other parts of the country where warm-season grasses like Bermuda and Zoysia thrive, New Hampshire lawns often consist of cool-season grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, and Ryegrass, all of which have their own particular care requirements.

Timing is key when it comes to lawn care in New Hampshire. To keep your lawn looking its best, start by mowing as soon as the ground is no longer saturated from the spring thaw, generally in April. Aim to mow every 7-10 days at a height of about 3 inches to encourage root development and crowd out weeds. Fertilizing is best done in late spring, around late May to early June, using a slow-release, granular fertilizer. This will nourish your grass as it enters its peak growing season. For those with lawns that start to thin or have bare patches, late summer to early fall—typically between August and September—is the ideal time to overseed.

Perhaps one of the most critical New Hampshire-specific lawn care practices is preparing for the harsh winter months. By late October, reduce your mowing height to 2.5 inches and apply a winterizing fertilizer to equip your lawn with the nutrients it needs to survive the cold. This proactive approach will not only protect your grass but also result in a lush, green lawn come springtime. Armed with this schedule and an understanding of your local conditions, you're well on your way to achieving a lawn that's not just the envy of your neighbors but also well-adapted to New Hampshire's unique landscape.

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