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When to plant Fescue grass seed in Middleburg, OH

Seeding Schedule

The ideal days for seeding have nighttime temperatures above 40°F, and daytime temperatures below 80°F for the entirety of the germination period. The dates listed below are days with average historic temperatures in your area within this range. These should only be used as a guideline, and actual weather conditions should be used to determine actual seeding dates. Typically fall is a more effective seeding season than spring. Soils tend to be dryer and warmer during late August and early September than in spring. When planted in late summer, seedlings will have two cool growing seasons (fall and spring) to become established, whereas seedlings developing from spring establishments will be subjected to the heat and drought of summer, making survival more difficult. Weeds are usually more of a problem in spring establishments than in late summer establishments as the cool temperatures and frosts in late summer / early fall will slow weed development.

Seeding Schedule

Amount of Seed:

  • Establishing a new lawn: 6.0 to 8.0 lbs per 1000 square feet.
  • Overseed your lawn: 3.0 to 4.0 lbs per 1000 square feet

Germination Period: 12 days

Best Dates for Seeding: September 1 to November 7

Recommended Fescue grass seed

Fescue Rescue Grass Seed (2-pack)

Fescue Rescue Grass Seed (2-pack)

Shade Select Grass Seed

Shade Select Grass Seed

Fescue Rescue Grass Seed

Fescue Rescue Grass Seed

Fescue Rescue Seed & Weed Kit

Fescue Rescue Seed & Weed Kit

Weed, Seed & Feed Your Lawn Kit

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Chapin 1.5L Handheld Seed Spreader

Chapin 1.5L Handheld Seed Spreader

Start Your Lawn from Scratch Kit

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